Megann & Dwayne
The Wedding
You are invited to the wedding of Megann & Dwayne
07 | 07 | 22
Megann Cashara Lawrence

Michael Dwayne Poe
Our Family



"We love because He first loved us”
1 John 4:19
Our Love Story

Where it all Started
When God has a plan... A common love for the same sport brought two people from very different worlds together. We met in Philadelphia while working together with the Philadelphia Passion football team. People say when you aren't really looking for something is usually when it finds you. We were both looking to win a championship trophy, but we found something way more meaningful. The City of Brotherly Love gave us an eternal love that is better than any trophy that can ever be won, it's given freely. Our plan was never to find a relationship but we are both happy God doesn't care what our plans are.
When We Knew
We wish we could tell you some fantastic "Love at First Sight" fairy tell, but that's not who we really are. Well maybe Megann, if it's a purse or a pair of shoes... Life has shown us both that love, for us, is something that's organic and takes time to grow. The time we spent together, the experiences we shared and the world around us that just seemed to fall into place when we were together let us know this was where we were supposed to be.

Becoming "Official"
On 2/20/2021, in front of dear friends, family, random tourists and the only captive whale shark in the world; on bended knee the question was FINALLY asked...by a scuba diver. The Georgia Aquarium was awesome in helping plan a unique, memorable experience for our special moment. Needless to say, Megann was completely surprised, which isn't an easy thing to pull off. So began the next chapter in our exciting journey together.